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At GBC, we harness the expertise and knowledge of our scientists to create the highest-quality, affordable treatments.

As high-quality medicines are not always affordable and accessible to all, we give hope to those who need it most by focusing on the development and launch of the most complex products, to address the world’s largest health problems.

We chose GBC as our hub to develop and distribute biosimilars that meet the Middle East region’s healthcare needs. Known and revered for its innovation and high standards, GBC offers a healthy pro-business environment, a great infrastructure and world-class talent.

We have developed biosimilars for 13 biological products and now have more than one million patients under care with our products in emerging markets.

Our rigorous manufacturing process covers numerous steps from cell line development to upstream and downstream processes and all quality control analysis.

Leading the charge on leveraging and driving innovation, our go-to-market strategy is based on a proprietary algorithm that decides which products address the largest problems, with the earliest impact, while minimising time to market, capital and operating expenditures.

This then ensures that only the highest quality, most affordable and most applicable medicines become accessible to all.



Oncology & Haematology

Gynaecology & Hormone
